User interface design is always at the core of the websites I create which means every design decision is focused on the user’s ease of navigating to the information they want in an efficient and enjoyable manner.

Web Design Process

I live and breathe design, but I realize not everyone does! That’s why I work closely with my clients to ensure they understand all aspects of web design and the process taken to bring their ideas to life. The process includes the following:

  • Requirements analysis to determine goals, target audience and features requests
  • Site map development to plan functionality and flow
  • Wire frames to communicate layout
  • PDF mock-ups to communicate colors, fonts and imagery
  • Review and approval cycle to make changes prior to coding
  • Staging site created and coding begins
  • Launch stage for polishing and testing

Web Design Package

  • WordPress and Squarespace platforms depending on requirements.
  • A mobile-responsive website that works well on any device
  • Search engine optimization (SE0) best practices always followed.
  • Google Analytics for performance tracking
  • Social media integration
  • Calls to Action on every page

Optional Components

  • SEO audits
  • Keyword searches
  • E-Commerce online store
  • Password protected areas
  • Online chat
  • Video
  • Backend training

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